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Chapter 12 – I Became Friends With The Young Male Lead (5)

The first step was to attend the New Year’s celebration, an Imperial event that I could finally partake in as I turned ten years old.

‘Finally, the restrictions are lifted!’

It was lonesome to go to bed early after studying alone at Freesian Palace every time there was an event.

Feeling that way, I was excited throughout the preparation for the ceremony.

“Cecil, how are you feeling, now that you are finally attending the New Year’s celebration?”

On the day of the celebration, Theodore came to my room as my escort.

As the most handsome high society bachelor of this generation, Theodore was showing off his dazzling beauty.

Reflecting on the soft sunset walls and illuminating the neatly combed silver hair and the navy blue ceremonial gown that fit right to my body.

“I feel proud that I can now finally feel that I am part of the Imperial Family.”

“…It would be nice if you wanted to be pampered a little more.”

Theodore spoke aloud and seemed regretful again. His love for Cecil was evident.

Theodore used to be the youngest until I came into life when he was twelve and especially treated me like a baby.

However, I have reincarnated and I have retained my memories so my mental age is… Even if I wanted to listen to his complaints, speaking like a ten-year-old somehow felt like an infant regression.

‘I don’t even know how to modulate my voice and act like a ten-year-old in the first place.’

Even if I say that, Theodore is more of a fairy than I… Even if we resemble each other in appearance, I know he likes to show off his charms, like letting me know that I don’t know how lovely it is to be blessed with such beauty.

“Your first ceremonial gown, you’re definitely now a full-fledged princess.”

Theodore’s face was filled with excitement.

It was not unusual for the Imperial Family to gaze at me lovingly, but sometimes I could not help but feel shy.

It’s probably that I don’t have immunity to those gazes. So, I….

“I think Mary and Patty were super thrilled too, they have been playing dolls today.”

As usual, I gave myself over to them.

Today was my debut, the day that I was officially introduced into high society, and so they were busy dolling me up since dawn.

If this had been my past life, I wouldn’t even have to say anything about the mess from waking up so early in the morning and being forced to submit to being dolled up.

“Your Highness, playing dolls! What do you mean…”

“Your Highness is beautiful as a doll, but it’s not just simply out of our desire or amusement.”

“If we were skilled enough, it wouldn’t have ended like this…”

Yeah, it’s not that I don’t understand where they were coming from.

Of course, Cecilia was obviously beautiful like a fairy… However, I knew that above all else, today, they were thrilled for a different reason as they helped me prepare for my official debut.

‘Since we have been together growing up, it’s about time that we develop a familial love for each other.’

I smiled as I looked at Mary Jane and Patricia through the mirror.

‘And, the present Sister Rebecca gave me…’

On top of that, I wore the crystal lace around my neck.

Patricia, who has a meticulous hand, made a choker from the same fabric as my burgundy Virode dress, and transferred with it the crystal that contained Rebecca’s divine power.

Nervous as I was, I still felt that I was ready, fully armed with the love of my allies.

‘Alright, I can do this!’

My goal was to make a safe impression within high society.

Along with that, I’ll carry out my secret mission safely!

Deep in thought, I clenched my fist.

‘My secret mission today is to observe the characters! In particular, the two villains, the miniature versions of Scarlet and Lucifeus!’

At the New Year’s celebration in Asura…ma… I-It’s still hard to pronounce. Anyhow, most of the prominent nobles of the Empire will be present.

It was the kind of event where you could see the characters of the original gathered in one place.

‘There’ll still be ten years to pass before the original, but regardless, it would be a good plan to set up a strategy if you know it in advance.’

Except for Amelie who will only appear later in the Capital when the original timeline of the novel begins, other noble characters would make their appearance here.

If the emotions I felt when I first met Leopold were like ‘fast heartbeats’, today’s meeting would be a feast of pleasure that I will only enjoy quietly.

Although ‘VGT’ was basically a work that focused more on the romance of the main couple, the confrontation between the Imperial Faction and the Aristocratic Faction was also considered an important plot of the story.

So it was also one of the charms that the conflict between the families was portrayed in an exciting way.

‘If it was frustrating, it was frustrating.’

However, since Father’s reign was so peaceful, it was only a setting where there was no political dispute to threaten the Imperial family.

Ah, on second thought, this reincarnation went well.

What would you have done if you were born in a family where you’re only seen as a hindrance?

“Entering, His Highness Theodore the 1st Prince, and Her Highness Cecilia the 4th Princess!”

Escorted by Theodore, we arrived shortly at the front doors of the main palace and the servant announced our entrance.

Soon, the heavy doors opened… I could feel all the gazes of the nobles who filled the audience room turned to me.

‘Ack, their attention on me is overwhelming..!’

I instantly felt the exhaustion as I saw the countless eyes I had never before seen since being born as Cecil.

*Kkoog*, I gripped harder with the hand holding onto Theodore, and when I looked up, he was smiling warmly at me.

There was no need to be nervous. For you are our lovely youngest.

It wasn’t difficult to understand that something along those lines is what Theodore wanted to convey.

We really couldn’t open and speak through our mouths as people’s attention was focused on us.

‘That’s right, I have nothing to be scared of! How long have I been waiting to turn ten!”

Inside the Imperial Palace, people were allowed to roam around alone, and the nobles were sight-seeing to their heart’s content.

So, I hoped that I would be able to meet and interact with the characters of ‘VGT’.

‘The actors on stage are scared, but the audience isn’t!’

Forgetting that I was the one in the spotlight, I took the first step on the carpet in the middle of the crowd.